How to repair stucco cracks

Stucco is a common exterior finish for many homes, but like any other material, it can suffer from minor cracking. In this article, we’ll show you how to repair stucco cracks using basic tools and techniques.

Understanding the Cause of stucco cracks

There are a few common causes of stucco cracks. The most common is water infiltration, either from a broken water main or an inadequate drainage system. Other causes can include:

  • A freeze/thaw cycle in the winter
  • A weight increase on the stucco due to utility wires or a new roof
  • Improperly installed flashing or waterproofing around penetrations, such as windows and door openings
  • A sudden change in temperature, such as from a cold winter to a hot summer

Troubleshooting stucco cracks

If your stucco seems to be in trouble, follow these simple tips on how to repair stucco cracks.

  1. Inspect the entire exterior of the wall for any cracks or damage. If there are any, fix them as soon as possible to avoid further deterioration.
  2. If the crack is small, fill it with a mixture of spackling and joint compound, then cover the area with a coat of paint. Once the paint is dry, use a wire brush to clean off all the excess spackling and compound.
  3. For larger cracks, use a repair kit made specifically for stucco. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging the underlying material.
  4. Seal the crack with a coat of epoxy or polyurethane.
  5. Once the epoxy or polyurethane has dried, paint over the area.
  6. If you need to make further repairs, repeat steps 2-5.
  7. Finally, check the appearance of the stucco every few months to make sure it is holding up well. If not, fix any problems before they become more serious.

The signs of stucco cracks

There are a few signs that stucco cracks may be developing. These usually include:

  • A change in the color of the stucco (usually becoming a darker or lighter color than before).
  • A change in the way the stucco is sticking to the wall (usually becoming looser or falling off).
  • Widespread cracking or crumbling of the stucco surface.

How to fix stucco cracks

There are a few different ways to fix stucco cracks. You can fill them with a sealant, use a patch, or use a stucco repair kit.

  1. Fill cracks with sealant: Sealant is a good way to fix small stucco cracks. Apply the sealant to the crack and then press it into the crack with your fingers. Let the sealant dry.
  2. Use patch: If the crack is bigger than about 1/4 inch wide, you’ll need to use a patch. A patch is a piece of material that covers the entire crack and attaches to the wall or foundation. Mark the location of the patch on the wall or foundation and then use a trowel or spade to remove the old stucco. Peel off the old stucco and cover the patch with new stucco. Press down firmly to attach the new stucco.
  3. Use a stucco repair kit: A stucco repair kit contains all of the materials you need to fix small and large stucco cracks.

If you have a large stucco crack, you may need to hire a contractor to fix it.

Fixing the stucco crack

If you find a small crack in your stucco, there are a few things you can do to patch it up.

  1. Use silicone caulk to seal the crack. This will help to keep moisture and debris out of the crack and will make the repair less noticeable.
  2. Fill in the crack with a mixture of mortar and sand. Use a trowel or shovel to pack the mixture into the crack until it is level with the surrounding stucco. Use a damp cloth to smooth the surface of the stucco.
  3. Apply another layer of silicone caulk over the top of the mortar and sand. Smooth the surface again with a damp cloth.
  4. Wait 24 hours and then remove the silicone caulk. The mortar and sand should have cured and the repair will be permanent.
  5. Repaint the section if necessary.

If you have any questions about fixing a stucco crack, please contact a contractor.

Remove any debris

  1. Remove any debris that may be blocking the crack.
  2. Use a plunger to suction onto the crack and push and pull until the crack is free from debris.
  3. Use a spade or shovel to remove any loose material from around the crack.
  4. Apply a thin layer of joint compound to the area around the crack and smooth out with a trowel.
  5. Cover the area with a sheet of plastic wrap and let cure for 24 hours.
  6. Remove the plastic wrap and sand the area until it is smooth.
  7. Apply a new layer of joint compound and sand again until it is smooth.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 until the cracks have been repaired or until the original stucco is no longer visible.

Repair the crack with a coat of stucco

When repairing stucco cracks, it is important to use a coat of stucco to seal the crack and prevent moisture from entering. This will also help to prevent the crack from widening.

To repair a stucco crack, start by removing any debris that may be blocking the crack. Next, apply a coat of stucco to the affected area. Let the stucco dry for at least 24 hours before re-entering the home or touch up any areas that may show through.

If the stucco crack is large or numerous, it may be necessary to hire a professional contractor to repair it.

Apply a sealant

If you have a small crack in your stucco, you can try to repair it with a sealant. Sealants are available at most home improvement stores and can be applied with a spray can or brush.

Sealants will help to protect the stucco from moisture and weather damage, but they won’t fix any existing cracks. You’ll need to repair the crack before using a sealant.

If you’re not sure whether you have a small crack or a larger one, you can try to fix it with a sealant by spraying it around the perimeter of the hole and then filling in the hole with a caulking gun.

Use sandpaper over the sealant to smooth it

  • First, clean and dry the area around the crack.
  • Next, apply a thin layer of sealant to the crack. Use a putty knife to spread it evenly over the surface.
  • Place pieces of sandpaper over the sealant, making sure that they are smooth and level. Apply pressure with your fingers to the sandpaper until it begins to chip away at the sealant.
  • Be patient it may take some time for the cracks to completely disappear.
  • Once the cracks are gone, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away any residue.
  • Finally, restore any lost paint or finish with a coat of paint or sealant.

How to prevent stucco cracks

There are a few things you can do to prevent stucco cracks from forming in your home.

  1. Keep your home cool and draft-free: A cool home is one that doesn’t have high temperatures or drafts, which can cause moisture to build up in the walls and ceilings. This can lead to the growth of mold and other moisture-related problems in the walls and ceilings. If you live in a humid climate, consider investing in a dehumidifier to help keep the home dry.
  2. Repair any water damage as soon as possible: If there is water damage, don’t wait until it causes stucco cracks to form. Patch any broken tiles, leaks, or cracks as soon as possible to avoid water damage from continuing.
  3. Maintain your roof: A roof that is in good condition will not only prevent water damage from occurring, but will also help to keep the home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Damp roofs can lead to the growth of moss, which can cause stucco cracks.
  4. Repair or replace your home’s drainage system: If your home has poorly installed drainage systems, water can accumulate and cause stucco cracks. By repairing or replacing the drainage systems, you can prevent water from building up and causing damage.
  5. Use a weatherproof sealant: If you are experiencing stucco cracks, you can use a weatherproof sealant to help prevent them from growing larger. Sealants can help to keep the walls and ceilings dry, which can prevent moisture-related problems from developing.

If you are experiencing stucco cracks, don’t wait until they become large or difficult to repair. Contact a professional to help you repair or replace the walls and ceilings in your home.

Cleanup and Maintenance

If you have stucco cracks in your home, there are a few things you can do to help them heal and look better. First, clean the crack area with a sweeping cloth to remove any dirt, dust, or pollen. Next, use mild detergent and water to clean the surface. Finally, use an adhesive to seal the crack.

If you have water damage, it’s important to clean up the area as quickly as possible. Use a bucket and pressure washer to clean up any dirty water and debris. Next, use a disinfectant cleaner to clean the area. Finally, use an adhesive to seal the cracks.

How to repair stucco cracks
Stucco wall


If you have stucco cracks in your home, there are a few things that you can do to help repair them. First, make sure that the cracks are large enough for the plaster to fill. If not, seal the crack with a temporary patch made of construction adhesive and sandpaper. Second, mix one part of water with three parts of cement and spread the mixture over the patch. Let it dry completely before painting or stuccoing over the repairs. Finally, use a caulking gun or putty knife to fill any holes or gaps in the stucco surface.

FAQs on how to repair stucco cracks

What are stucco cracks?

Stucco is a type of artificial stone that is used to cover walls and ceilings in many residential and commercial buildings. The material is typically applied in a thin layer over a prepared surface and can be damaged by weathering and the elements. If stucco cracks, it can become water-filled spaces that allow moisture and pests to invade the wall, damaging the paint and framing.
Repairing stucco cracks can be a challenging task, but it’s important to take care when handling the material in order not to further damage the wall. Start by examining the crack for evidence of any damage that may have occurred. If the crack is large or extends across an entire panel, it may be necessary to remove the stucco completely and start over. Smaller cracks can often be repaired using a variety of sealants and adhesives, but it’s always best to consult with a professional before starting any repairs.

How do you repair stucco cracks?

If you live in a climate where a stucco is an option for your home’s exterior, then you may have noticed that the paint can start to peel and crack. This is especially common in areas that receive a lot of direct sunlight. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to repair these cracks without having to go through the entire exterior paint removal process.
The first step is to identify the area where the crack is located. Once you have done that, you can start by using a wire brush to clean up any debris or dust that may be present. Next, use a cementitious fill material like Cemco Stucco Repair to fill in the area around the crack. Make sure to use enough powder so that it will set properly, but don’t overdo it since this material can be very messy. Finally, use a wire brush to clean up any excess material and seal the cracks with a coat of paint.

Will paint cover hairline cracks in stucco?

If you have hairline cracks in your stucco, it’s important to repair them before painting. The paint may not be able to cover the cracks completely, and the stucco may come loose in the future. Repairs will also keep the stucco looking fresh and new. If you don’t have any hairline cracks, you can skip this step and paint right over the cracks.

Why does my stucco keep cracking?

Stucco is a popular exterior wall coating that is typically made of a mixture of sand, lime, and water. As time goes on, the material can start to crack due to several factors. One of the most common reasons for stucco cracks is moisture infiltration. Moisture can seep into the stucco from the surrounding environment and cause it to expand and contract. This stress can also cause the stucco to break down. Other causes of stucco cracking include temperature changes, wind, and sunlight.
If you notice cracks in your stucco, there are several steps that you can take to repair them. First, you may need to dampen the area where the crack is located with a water hose in order to reduce the chance of further damage. You can also try sealant or a mortar coatings to prevent water from entering the crack and causing it to expand. Finally, you may want to consult with a professional stucco contractor to ensure that your repairs are done correctly and that the coating will be effective in preventing future cracking

When should I be concerned about stucco cracks?

If you notice cracks in your stucco, it’s important to take action right away. The sooner you can repair the cracks, the less damage they’ll cause. Here are some tips for what to do if you find a crack in your stucco:
1. Check the weather forecast and see if there is any chance of rain. This could cause the stucco to expand and cause more cracks.
2. Inspect the wall for any other signs of damage. If there are any other holes or cracks in the wall, it’s likely that a crack has already started growing inside the wall.
3. Use a digital camera to take pictures of the crack from different angles. This will help you determine the size and location of the crack.
4. Try to estimate how much stucco needs to be replaced and order that amount from your supplier. If you’re not sure how deep the crack is, have a professional do a visual inspection and make an estimate based on that information.
5. Excavate around the perimeter of the crack with a spade or trowel until you reach solid ground.

How do I repair cracks in stucco?

How to repair stucco cracks

Stucco is a popular exterior finish for homes. While it is a durable and attractive surface, stucco can eventually suffer from cracks. If left untreated, these cracks will grow larger and may necessitate the removal of the stucco altogether. Here are some tips on how to repair cracks in stucco:
1. Evaluate the damage. first, assess the extent of the damage. Is it just a few small cracks that can be fixed with a filler material or do you need to completely remove the stucco and start fresh? If it’s just a few small cracks, you can try using a filler material like epoxy or silicone. However, if the damage is more extensive, you’ll need to remove the stucco and start over.
2. Fix small cracks before they get bigger. Once you know you need to replace the stucco, fix any small cracks before they become bigger. This will minimize the amount of work you have to do later on.
3. Use sealants to protect the surface. Sealants help protect surfaces from moisture and other elements that can damage them over time. Apply sealants before you start repairing any cracks in stucco.

How to repair stucco cracks